Baffle Spoon and Fork Set
Baffle Spoon and Fork Set
Baffle Spoon and Fork Set
Baffle Spoon and Fork Set
Baffle Spoon and Fork Set
Baffle Spoon and Fork Set
Baffle Spoon and Fork Set
Baffle Spoon and Fork Set
Baffle Spoon and Fork Set
Baffle Spoon and Fork Set
Baffle Spoon and Fork Set
Baffle Spoon and Fork Set
Baffle Spoon and Fork Set
Baffle Spoon and Fork Set
Baffle Spoon and Fork Set
Baffle Spoon and Fork Set
Baffle Spoon and Fork Set
Baffle Spoon and Fork Set
Baffle Spoon and Fork Set
Baffle Spoon and Fork Set
Baffle Spoon and Fork Set
Baffle Spoon and Fork Set
Baffle Spoon and Fork Set
Baffle Spoon and Fork Set
Baffle Spoon and Fork Set
Baffle Spoon and Fork Set
Baffle Spoon and Fork Set
Baffle Spoon and Fork Set
Baffle Spoon and Fork Set
Baffle Spoon and Fork Set
Baffle Spoon and Fork Set
Baffle Spoon and Fork Set
Baffle Spoon and Fork Set
Baffle Spoon and Fork Set

Baffle Spoon and Fork Set

Designen af enicornen er mere attraktiv for børn. Den perfekte babykase til babypoppekassen i fase 1 og 2, ideal til at udforske tykkere madblandinger og faste retter. Det er egnet til børn over 6+ måneder. Det kan også fremme selvservice med ergonomisk design af babys kæfter. En række forskellige former for kaser, der danner et sæt, mere tiltalende for børns interesse


Baffle Spoon and Fork Set


Blå, grøn, pinke, brun, bege, grå




1stk til lager, 200stk til tilpasning


145 g


18,5*10,5*4 cm


Understøtter tilpassede logo, farve og emballage.


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